RSF Scholarship Profiles -Taj

RSF Scholarship Profiles -Taj

Taj has held an RSF Scholarship for 5 years. Initially starting on drums, Taj has enjoyed being a drummer in a band and more latterly has developed her voice and enjoys performing as a solo singer. She has also completed The Rhythm Studio’s Sixth Form programme.

Taj loves to listen to Jazz and Funk music but tends to perform more R&B and Neo Soul. During lockdown she released a single with her friend LEPRO and has been working on a concept EP with a fellow sixth former.

Masterclass: Paul Stewart (The Feeling)

A huge thanks to Paul Stewart for his masterclass with our sixth formers!

Make friends with a really good sound engineer - they are everything! You could be making the most beautiful music anyone has ever heard on stage, with the greatest musicians the world has ever seen. If your sound engineer is rubbish, what the audience hear will be rubbish. He is the one person between you and your audience, so your best friend in the world is your sound engineer.
— Paul Stewart