Celebrating Black History Month - Sly Stone

To mark Black History Month we are celebrating the amazing artists who inspired our tutors to become professional musicians. 

From RS Tutor Sean M:

Throughout their short career, Sly Stone and his band redefined the possibilities of pop music. The product of a convergence of cultural movements, their music is a combustible mix of psychedelic rock, funk, soul, and sunshine pop - as well versed in Bob Dylan as it is in James Brown.

A songwriter and studio auteur every bit as brilliant as Brian Wilson, Sly Stone is also easily one of his generation's best vocalists - all too often overlooked. Sly and The Family Stone were integrated and progressive in both sound and spirit, simultaneously embodying the defiance of civil rights activism and the idealism of the hippy counterculture. As seductive as it is foreboding, their music represents both rage and reconciliation, a party and a riot!

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