Scholarship Applications Open Now!

The Rhythm Studio Foundation Scholarship is an annual award that provides the opportunity for 12-18 year-olds to receive funded tuition at The Rhythm Studio. Successful applicants receive funding for weekly tuition on drums, guitar, bass, piano or vocals over the course of three terms. As well as instrumental or vocal tuition, scholarship students play in bands, perform live, record and receive mentoring from music industry professionals.

Scholarship applicants should be able to demonstrate:            
•    a proven passion for music
•    a genuine talent or an outstanding potential
•    dedication and desire to improve
•    a need for financial assistance to access specialist music tuition

To apply for financial support beginning in September 2014, you must submit an application form by 20th July 2014. Click here to download an application form.

Watch the story of Keayarna's scholarship year at The Rhythm Studio and check out Orlando and Maja's version of Riptide by Vance Joy below.

Keayarna was awarded the The Rhythm Studio Foundation scholarship 2012-2013. This video tells the story of her year studying at The Rhythm Studio

A cover of Riptide by Vance Joy performed by The Rhythm Studio's scholarship students Orlando and Maya.