Our friends at the Royal Albert Hall are looking for talented young musicians to take part in their brand-new ‘Future Makers’ event on 9 November 2022. You need to enter via the Tri-borough Music Hub by sending your video submission via WeTransfer toinfo@triboroughmusichub.org by Fri 29th April.
Premises Update
19th April 2022
Dear Parents,
I hope you have enjoyed a relaxing Easter Break. I am writing with an update about The Rhythm Studio’s music school premises. As many of you will know, we relocated to our current studios at West London College in Summer 2021 due to refurbishment at Morley College North Kensington. This relocation was intended to last the duration of the academic year, after which we would return to North Kensington in Summer 2022. We have recently been informed by Morley College that they are no longer able to accommodate our planned return. As a result of this news, our tenancy at West London College will be extended and this location will become our permanent home. We are of course sad that we will not be returning to North Kensington, a neighbourhood that we called home for over 15 years. We are extremely proud of the close relationships we have built with the families, schools and community groups of North Kensington and the surrounding areas. We remain committed to maintaining and nurturing these relationships and continue to explore all the options available to us to achieve this. In the meantime, we are lucky enough to reside in exceptional music studio facilities nearby at West London College and we look forward to continuing to inspire the next generation of musicians from this venue. For those that were eagerly anticipating our return to North Kensington, we sincerely apologise for the change in circumstances. If you would like to discuss the implications of this news on your classes, don’t hesitate to get in touch. In the meantime, I have included a list of key dates for the new term which gets underway tomorrow.
Best wishes,
Chris Hodges - Director, The Rhythm Studio
Key Dates – Summer 2022
Term Starts: Wednesday 20th April
RSF10 – Celebrating 10 Years of The Rhythm Studio Foundation: Tuesday 17th May
Half Term: Sunday 29th May – Sunday 5th June
Sixth Form Term Ends: Friday 1st July
Gig Week: Monday 4th - Saturday 9th July
Term Ends: Saturday 9th July
Rock & Roll Boot Camps: Monday 18th July – Friday 18th August (5 x 1-week camps)