Trustees Week: Jerome Lake

1st – 5th November is Trustees Week and an opportunity to celebrate the vital work that our trustees do at the Rhythm Studio Foundation. Today, we meet Jerome Lake.

Jerome is one of our newly appointed Youth Trustees and an ex-scholarship holder. Now working in the city, growing up he experienced first-hand the powerful impact that the RSF can have on making music available to disadvantaged young people. This is what prompted him to become a trustee.

What are you listening to at the moment?

My favourite artist at the moment would be Juls. He recently released his debut Afrobeats album, Sounds of My World,  which I have playing on repeat most days!

What’s the best gig you’ve ever been to?

This would have to be Dave’s Psychodrama tour. You can really see the passion he has for his music and topics he speaks about. Also appreciation he has for his fans